Daund is a small dry dusty town in Western India, about 75km South East of Pune. It is better known as a major Railway Junction, handling trains to and from North, South and East India. Being a major railway station, you find here a number of lost or abandoned street and platform children, most of whom have landed up here from other parts of the country. To cater to this peculiar situation, SADDAC started a shelter Today SADDAC is not just a shelter but a home to the street and platform children. It offers a caring family environment with basic facilities, better health care, nutrition and access to education. SADDAC inculcates values such as cleanliness, self-discipline, self-reliance etc and provides counselling facilities for the psycho-spiritual growth of the children enkindling in them a process of self-realization. SADDAC re-unites the run-away children with their families, shelters the abandoned and educates them in nearby schools, and settles the grown up children in life by job placements. 
The social work team of SADDAC visits the railway station regularly and enquires the whereabouts of the wandering children. Many of the run-away children are re-united with their families; and those who have no one to care for them are brought to SADDAC where they begin a new life in a family environment.
Under the able administration and gentle care of Sr. Olive Oliveira (Person-in-Charge of SADDAC) and her team, the children are quick to realize that they are wanted and loved. The care and opportunity provided by SADDAC to enjoy a better childhood today inculcates an attitude to be responsible persons, and thus, to become better citizens for tomorrow(Vishwadeep) for street children in Daund in 1997.
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