Saturday, September 19, 2009


Welcome to PEPY.
The idea for this organization started as a cycle trip across Cambodia. Six friends rode from the Thai border to Vietnam through the red dusty back roads of Cambodia to raise funds for educational projects. The team spent five weeks visiting schools and orphanages, teaching the first PEPY environmental lessons. This first PEPY Ride raised enough money to fund the construction of The PEPY Ride School in rural Chanleas Dai, Cambodia, which opened on December 31, 2005. Since then, PEPY has grown significantly, now operating as a non-profit organization (The PEPY Ride) registered in Cambodia and the US, and a responsible tour operator (PEPY Tours) that helps to fund educational initiatives in Cambodia.
PEPY stands for "Protect the Earth, Protect Yourself", an idea rooted in the lessons of the first PEPY Ride that taught about the relationship between the environment and our health. If you Protect the Earth, in effect, you also Protect Yourself. Our programs have grown to encompass much more than environmental education, but our basic ethos is still the same: by making small changes in our lives and continually striving to educate ourselves and those around us, collectively we can truly make a difference.
In our short history, we have learned a great deal about development strategies and how to implement programs. As our relationship with the community of Chanleas Dai grows stronger, the more effective and sustainable our educational programs become. The more we understand how our tours affect the communities where we work and the travelers who join us, the more responsible we can be.
So, to answer the question "What is PEPY?", we are an educational NGO funded through responsible tour operations. Or, we are an adventure voluntour operator funding sustainable educational projects. This hybrid model generates thousands of dollars for education programs in rural Cambodia each year, and connects travelers and supporters to the development initiatives that inspire them, allowing them to “be the change they wish to see in the world.”
PEPY’s work is made possible by our Khmer staff, our team of volunteer interns here in Cambodia, and the hundreds of virtual volunteers and past PEPY participants who continue to support us daily.

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